May 3, 2023
How do we recognize divine opportunities? Today's guest, Pray.Com Co-Founder Matthew Potter, shares incredible true testimonies and insights to empower you to fulfill God's dream for your life.
Matthew Potter is a co-founder of, the
world’s #1 app for daily prayer and faith-based
audio content, driven by a mission to grow faith and
cultivate community. He brings expertise in the
areas of strategizing change, building tech products
and apps, and finding markets in the continuously
evolving technology industry.
Potter shares his personal testimony as a child adopted through a providential connection between two pastors. During high school, Matt started a technology company and built 7,000 apps for real estate companies. Though his company rose to thrive over the years, Potter began to feel a lack of purpose. While seeking a way to contribute to the church, Matt encountered his friend at a coffee shop. Steve shared how his business partner's recent death prompted a friend to share a pastor's sermon. This sermon inspired Steve to become a Christian. Yet he expressed his concern to Matt about how he might never have found this content on his own, so he wanted to develop a place where people could easily find Christian content. Steve and Matt discussed the creation of Pray.Com at this divine opportunity in a coffee shop.
All four co-founders worked together to build world-class content and technology for Christians and seekers. Many miracles and providential moments ensued. In December of 2022, surpassed a billion listening minutes of content shared over a hundred million times. The app helps listeners in their spiritual and mental health, a growing need in our nation today.
Matt shared a story of a police officer who had planned to commit suicide, but his attempt was averted when a friend shared a sermon from Pray.Com.
Potter states that has a department focused on the science of prayer. He shares the following data backed by research:
We also discuss the huge difference between meditating on scripture and God's character and unhealthy mystic practices.
Potter states that prayer is our connection to God. We can turn to prayer no matter what happens. When you face trials of many kinds, God is there for you.
Matt encourages listeners to pray big. He emphasizes how prayer benefits us physically as well as spiritually. sponsors the National Day of Prayer. The United States is the only nation with a National Day of Prayer. Potter emphasizes the importance of honoring our opportunities to pray, especially during the current state of mental health crisis in our country.
Matt notes the significance of praying personally as well as in fellowship with others. offers reminders to pray. He also notes the power of praising God.
Potter encourages listeners to let people know you're praying for them. The ripple effects could create a greater benefit than you'll ever know. Your prayers and contact with those for whom you're praying could change lives.
Matt states that recognizing divine opportunities begins with prayer. We also need to listen to God to hear what he has for us and take action on his guidance. Are you willing to accept the big things God has in store for you and take action?
We discuss how the next steps to fulfill divine opportunities could take us out of our comfort zones.
Matt shares the importance of teamwork and community in fulfilling God's best for our lives.
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