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Perseverance with Lisa Loraine Baker

Aug 19, 2022

How do you persevere when it seems hopeless?
Today's guest, author Lisa Loraine Baker, shares a dual message of perseverance. She relates her own decade of suffering alongside her husband during his terminal years of cancer. She also shares her struggles as a writer and the dramatic biography she co-authored about a pastor who overcame a backstory of abuse, gang activity, and addiction.
Lisa Loraine Baker is an author and freelance writer who thrives on hope, and her brand encompasses the axiom, “Not all is lost; CHARGE!” She’s quirky and sassy, loves the Lord, and seeks to bring Him glory in all she does.
Lisa shares her testimony of salvation in mid-life. She grew in her faith for a few years and gathered a community of support before her late husband embarked upon his terminal journey through cancer. Baker notes the importance of focusing on the Lord and on others, which can strengthen us during times of struggle.
We discuss the dangers of believing the myth of self-sufficiency when facing difficult circumstances.
Lisa shares her experience working as Pastor Marshall Brandon's assistant and the moment when they realized she needed to serve as his co-author. Baker recounts how she suffered an onset of debilitating arthritis soon after they began writing the story. 
Baker shares Marshall Brandon's story of intense abuse, gang activity, and military deployment to Vietnam. He fell prey to militant mindsets and heroin addiction. An armed robbery conviction sent him to prison. Marshall persevered through his years of incarceration and got married. At his moment of salvation, Brandon was miraculously delivered from addiction and averted the destruction of his marriage.
The Lord led Marshall Brandon into ministry, where he demonstrated full redemption in becoming a pastor of a church of people he once would have seen as his enemies.
Lisa describes the perseverance required in the process of editing and facing rejections. She also shared how Marshall's PTSD made it painful for him to endure the trauma of recounting his memories of prison, Vietnam, addiction, and childhood abuse. Because they knew the Lord called them to share the message of his testimony, Lisa and Marshall persevered.
Baker recommends meditating daily on scripture, ministering within your gifts and talents, growing as God leads, and blessing others around you. She urges encourages listeners to renew themselves in the Lord daily. Lisa also reminds us all is not lost and we can persevere through the strength of Christ to charge onward.
Connect with Lisa Baker at and check out her book about Marshall Brandon, Someplace to Be Somebody.
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