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Nov 5, 2021

Do you struggle to hold onto joy during the holiday season?

The call to sing carols and celebrate often magnifies the pain of those who suffer during this season. Christine Trimpe offers solutions to how to find Christmas joy while "the weary world rejoices," as the favorite hymn so aptly states.

In this episode of Flourish-Meant, we discuss the disappointments triggered by a cultural emphasis on circumstantial happiness. Christine Trimpe and I explore the ways to anchor yourself in the good news of great joy through intentional joy seeking instead. We reveal how to stay focused on joy when facing dark circumstances.

In this episode, we also contemplate the season leading to Christmas. Advent season, as some denominations call the four weeks leading to December 25th, inspires us to consider the birth and final, triumphant appearance of Jesus Christ.

Christine explains how to center your mindset and heart on scripture each day in what she calls "Bible and beans" time. 

We also share recommendations for gifts to maximize the joy and minimize the strain of Christmas.

Join Christine Trimpe's devotional journey which centers on her book, Seeking Joy through the Gospel of Luke: A Christmas to Calvary Advent Countdown and begins December 1, 2021.


For more podcasts like Flourish-Meant, check out the Spark Media Podcast Network.

If you're struggling with stress or anxiety this season, check out our comprehensive, ten-minute-a-day course, Subdue Stress and Anxiety! Fifteen experts offer all the tools you need to overcome stress and anxiety in just ten minutes a day!

Brief Bio: Christine Trimpe is an author, speaker, and joy-seeker. Christine recently went on a joy-filled journey of healing of her body, mind, and spirit. This transformation story overflows from her heart with a passion to share the Good News of great joy with you today. Her transformation story and Bible and Beans blog can be found at

Early Christmas Bonus Chapters gift: Seeking Joy through the Gospel of Luke BONUS CHAPTERS

Order Christine’s book here: Seeking Joy through the Gospel of Luke Shop


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